Datenbestand ca. 1,77 Mill. 33698819 Suchanfragen seit dem 10.03.2020.

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Gefunden wurde 12x der Suchbegriff: „Nothing_In_T~Cole”. Gesucht wurden nur die Titel-IDs von Original und Cover. Sortiert wurden die Datenfelder Musiktitel und Interpret. Mehrfachanzeige ist möglich, da der Datenbestand von 3 Datenbanken mit 1,76 Millionen Einträgen ausgewertet wurde.

Die ultimative Musikdatenbank von © 2006 - 2022 by Henry König.

ID Interpret/in Ps Begleitung Musiktitel Stil Num Jahr Zeit Charteinstieg Label LbK 2. Label LbK2 Art.-Nr./EAN EAN/Art.-Nr. Aufnahmeort Aufn.-Dat. Vö.-Dat. Matrize Verweis Werk-Nr. CAE/IPI Komponist Texter Bemerkung Qu. Seite Musik-Quelle Original / Cover
1789473Cole, Nat „King“Riddle, Nelson & His OrchestraNothing In The WorldV1 1019572:390000-00-00Capitol F 4004Capitol CL 1489814401402Los Angeles, Capitol Tower22.11.195701.01.196617964-1B357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1322054Cole, Nat „King“Riddle, Nelson & His OrchestraNothing In The WorldV1 2919572:410000-00-00Capitol F 4004Capitol CL 148986454373Los Angeles, Capitol Tower22.11.195730.11.201017964-1B357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
307542Cole, Nat „King“Riddle, Nelson & His OrchestraNothing In The WorldV19572:380000-00-00Capitol F 4004Capi_F04Capitol CL 14898Capi_C14Los Angeles, Capitol Tower22.11.195717964-1B3572810 422270694Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeCap10923 DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1612395Cole, Nat „King“Riddle, Nelson & His OrchestraNothing In The WorldV2 2319572:380000-00-00Capitol F 4004Capitol CL 1489812481718Los Angeles, Capitol Tower22.11.195711.03.201617964-1B357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
941018Cole, Nat „King“Riddle, Nelson & His OrchestraNothing In The WorldV19572:380000-00-00Capi_F04Los Angeles, Capitol Tower22.11.195717964-1B3572810 422270694Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
738802Benton, BrookNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)VB19592:270000-00-00Mercury 71554Merc_71New York City, Mercury Sound Studio15.06.195930.11.1959YW186983572810 422270694Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeMer20264Nothing_In_T~Cole
533594Harris, OdessaNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)V19622:300000-00-00Capitol F 4881Capi_F04New York City12.10.196201.12.1962243793572810 422270694Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeCap40322Nothing_In_T~Cole
307545Washington, DinahNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)V19593:150000-00-00Mercury 71508Merc_71New York City15.06.1959YW1892445rpm3572810 422270694Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeVerwendung von Matrize 18850?Mer20275 DeCOVER. Original filtern
1710191Washington, DinahNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)V1 2219593:180000-00-00Mercury 715089235795New York City15.06.195916.12.2014YW18924357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeOriginal Mix DeCOVER. Original filtern
1669241Washington, DinahNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)V1 4719593:150000-00-00Mercury 715086718334New York City15.06.195930.06.2013YW18924357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeCOVER. Original filtern
1450404Washington, DinahNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)V19593:160000-00-00Mercury 715088764701New York City15.06.195912.10.1999YW18924357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeCOVER. Original filtern
1473491Washington, DinahNothing In The World (Could Make Me Love You More Than I Do)V1 0419593:180000-00-00Mercury 7150810472912New York City15.06.195922.10.2013YW18924357281Benton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, ClydeBenton, Brook/Hendricks, Belford/Otis, Clyde DeCOVER. Original filtern