Datenbestand ca. 1,77 Mill. 33685317 Suchanfragen seit dem 10.03.2020.

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Gefunden wurde 21x der Suchbegriff: „Rocking_Pneu~Smit”. Gesucht wurden nur die Titel-IDs von Original und Cover. Sortiert wurden die Datenfelder Musiktitel und Interpret. Mehrfachanzeige ist möglich, da der Datenbestand von 3 Datenbanken mit 1,76 Millionen Einträgen ausgewertet wurde.

Die ultimative Musikdatenbank von © 2006 - 2022 by Henry König.

ID Interpret/in Ps Begleitung Musiktitel Stil Num Jahr Zeit Charteinstieg Label LbK 2. Label LbK2 Art.-Nr./EAN EAN/Art.-Nr. Aufnahmeort Aufn.-Dat. Vö.-Dat. Matrize Verweis Werk-Nr. CAE/IPI Komponist Texter Bemerkung Qu. Seite Musik-Quelle Original / Cover
964405Lords, TheRockin' PneumoniaV19672:090000-00-00Album1600Smith, HughieVincent, JohnCOVER. Original filtern
964406Lords, TheRockin' PneumoniaV19672:080000-00-0072435232562729.10.1999Smith, HughieVincent, JohnCOVER. Original filtern
1286450Crickets, TheRockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19601:580000-00-00785576906.10.2013Smith, HughieVincent, John DeCOVER. Original filtern
1476579Hit Crew, TheRockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV1 1120013:220000-00-00Drew's Famous627488022.01.2013Smith, HughieVincent, John DeCOVER. Original filtern
964407Rock Circus feat. Proby, P. J.Rockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19805:400000-00-00Master0241Hamburg08.02.1980Smith, HughieVincent, JohnLive im Star-Club am 08.02.1980. DeCOVER. Original filtern
1569335Rock Circus feat. Proby, P. J.Rockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19805:390000-00-0051161322.11.2005Smith, HughieVincent, John DeCOVER. Original filtern
964408Winter, JohnnyRockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie Flu19742:010000-00-000792241220452630.04.1991Smith, HughieVincent, JohnCOVER. Original filtern
964409Vera, BillyRockin' Pneumonia And The Boogie-Woogie FluV00003:040000-00-00Master062Smith, HughieVincent, JohnCOVER. Original filtern
964410Renegades, TheRockin' Pneumonia-Boogie Woogie FluV60er2:120000-00-00BestOf01081996Smith, HughieVincent, JohnCOVER. Original filtern
964411Rivers, JohnnyRockin' Pneumonia-Boogie Woogie FluV19722:570000-00-00UA_50Album0770Smith, HughieVincent, JohnCOVER. Original filtern
349551Rivers, JohnnyRockin' Pneumonia-Boogie Woogie FluV19722:570000-00-00United Artists 50960UA_50United Artists 35 418UA_35Album0770Smith, HughieVincent, JohnJWCOVER. Original filtern
500064Lewis, Jerry LeeRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluVA19652:010000-00-00Smash 1992Smash_01YW1-36122Smith, HughieVincent, John45COVER. Original filtern
739151Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluVA19572:150000-00-00Cotillion 44142Cot_447432177022219723395Smith, HughieVincent, JohnDc DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1230207Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19572:180000-00-00Cotillion 44142751751513.04.20143395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
964480Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19572:150000-00-00Cot_443PSD002A19723395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
964481Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19572:150000-00-00Cot_447432177022219723395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1791389Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV1 6019572:150000-00-00Cotillion 4414227868132215.02.20223395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1286561Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19572:150000-00-00Cotillion 44142785576406.10.20133395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1270959Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19572:150000-00-00Cotillion 44142716219415.01.20143395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
349660Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluVA19572:150000-00-00Ace 530Ace00Sparton 466Spart_00743217702223395Smith, HughieVincent, JohnBB DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern
1227742Smith, Huey & The ClownsRocking Pneumonia And The Boogie Woogie FluV19572:190000-00-00Cotillion 44142645377624.11.20093395Smith, HughieVincent, John DeORIGINAL. Cover filtern